Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fundraising Time!!!!

I just saw on Facebook recently that there are only 18 more Fridays until Christmas! My immediate thought was "I only have 19 more Fridays until Kenya!!!" It really hit home that I don't have time to sit around and count the Fridays until we leave. There is so much to do right now! We need to call and schedule an appointment for Rianne to get her Passport. We need to schedule an appointment at the County Clinic to see what travel vaccinations the kids will need. I need to fill out a request for the kids to miss school for an educational trip. And we need to order plane tickets...which means we need to raise money fast!!! I am currently gearing up to hold another online Facebook Auction. I have done two in the past. One to raise money for our group to go to Jamaica, and one to raise money for myself to go to Kenya and the group to go to Belize. Both times they were a lot of work, but quite profitable. 

The last two I had a lot of help from the other people benefiting from it, so I was a bit worried about trying to run this one one my own. However, God always provides and some wonderful friends have jumped on board to help me!!! I hope they realize just how much that means to me! One friend to going around and asking businesses for donations and another friend is going to keep track of who owes what and who has paid. Several friends have also donated some really wonderful items and talents! (One of my favorites is the Africa painting pictured above).

I'm hoping to start the auction in a little over a week. If you are local to Washington, PA and would like to donate a new item or service, we would love to take it! If you want to bid on items, be sure to Facebook friend Ben or I. It is a really fun two weeks and there is one special evening that Ben and I are donating that will hopefully be a big hit! Say some prayers that everything flows smoothly. 


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