Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Not Now Satan!!!!

The World Missions Seminar began today. We have been looking forward to this since last year's seminar ended. So, of course, Satan wants nothing more then to throw a wrench in our plans. I knew yesterday was going to be a challenge. Ben was selected to preach at chapel at the Seminary, so I naturally wanted to go hear him. Annabelle had rehearsal in the afternoon for the Spring Musical that she shouldn't miss. So, I knew the day would be full of interruptions and various car trips. What I didn't know, was that shortly after Ben preached to me about being prepared for when life punches you in the face....that life would punch me in the face!

I had returned to the seminar after he preached in time for lunch. We ate quickly and then rushed out to get Anna to rehearsal. I dropped her off and went to zip back over in time for the first ladies' session (which I really wanted to hear because it was a new topic delivered by a sweet friend). I go to turn onto the main road....and the car just dies. Not that kind where the battery just shuts down, but the kind that can only be described through various guttural sounds. Not Now Satan!!!!!!

I knew Ben would be finishing up at the seminary and would be headed to the seminar so I called him to come rescue us. (I had Annika with me). After messing with it and pushing it off the road, we left it there and returned to the seminar. We spoke to a dear angel of a man from our church that recently helped us with van issues and his over the phone prognosis did not sound hopeful. But, he willingly said he would run up to take a look at it that night.

The whole time I'm thinking: "We do not have time for this! I just want to enjoy my week! Leave us alone Satan!"

By the time we returned to the seminar (just in time to have that session ending), I was a heap of tears. All of the stress, worry, discouragement, and disappointment collided and I just could not take it all. I knew Satan was after me, but this time I didn't have it in me to fight back. I told Jesus; "This has to be Your fight, because I just can't do it!"

Fortunately, he called up His soldiers to fight for me. His sweet servants surrounded me with encouragement and empathy and prayer. He knows laughter is the fuel for my joy, so He even sent some of that too (thank you Ms. Jessie!!!). The Andersons leapt into action and drove back to Whitehall to get their vehicle for us to use (despite it being their anniversary). The Shields invited us into their home and fed us while we waited. We even were able to stay and attend church like we wanted! Satan was losing and losing fast!!!

And then God threw the final punch and knocked Satan down. We were going to praise Jesus regardless. He has our hearts and devotion. It was absolutely unnecessary. But in His Goodness, He chose to bless us in this moment. As church was ending, I see a text from our car angel, Todd..."THE VAN IS FIXED." I about fell over. I could not believe it! Our van lives to see another day, and we can get focused back on God's work and His Will for our lives. I am continually amazed at the power of prayer, and God's sweet, tender mercy. Thank you Jesus! 

None of the people that ministered to us yesterday did it to be mentioned in this blog. I'm pretty sure most of them (if they read this), would prefer if I didn't mention them at all. However, I love the way God strings His people together to accomplish His work. Did He need them? No. God can do anything. He could of just had me turn the key and the van start right back up. However, He lovingly invites us into His plans so that we can take part. It increases our Faith, and further prepares us for the next time life punches us in the face.

Was yesterday hard and stressful? Absolutely! But I am so grateful that once again I got to see our Mighty God at work. I thank God for each one of you and pray that I, too, can be part of the blessing of God's plan for someone else.

Awed and Blessed, Anne

"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good..." Genesis 50:20a

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Our Favorite Time of Year

Hello friends! Sorry we have been MIA lately, but Ben's hectic school/work schedule has made for very busy days for all of us. Fortunately (well, for us-not Ben), the semester seems to be flying by! He still has A LOT of work ahead of him, so please be praying!

We are super excited because the World Missions Seminar begins this week. It is always a highlight in our year. It's fun too, because each year we seem to be in a different phase of our journey. We were hoping we would be sent out as missionaries by this time, but we are doing our best to be patient and wait on God's timing. He certainly has had our very best in mind throughout this whole process! We would love for any of you to join us this year. You can even just come for a day. The training is absolutely priceless for anyone that has a heart for missions. Whether you are a missionary, have plans to be a missionary, are curious about mission work, are a pastor that wants to send out missionaries, or a Christian that wants to learn how to support missionaries, this seminar will be beneficial to you! It is held at Faith Baptist Church in North Little Rock Tuesday through Friday of this coming week and the next. Commit to coming and God will make a way!!! If you need more info, let us know and we can get it out to you.

I know everyone gets busy, but if you get a moment, please be in prayer for us. Life is pretty stressful around here and Satan really wants to bring us down. We are relying on God to give us the strength to not let Satan win, so any prayers on our behalf are appreciated.

In lighter news, Annika is getting so big. She is extremely smart but has managed to keep out of trouble.  It really helps that I have a lot of extra eyes and hands assisting me. The girls are knee deep in rehearsing for a musical (Fiddler on the Roof). We cannot wait for showtime! In the midst of all of this, Rianne has been having some digestion/behavior issues. So, we are doing a strict elimination diet with her to figure out the culprit(s). We are making progress, but it is really difficult! We all will be happy when we know what she can/can't eat. It's been awfully expensive cooking for her and A LOT of work! But it will be so worth it in the end. Noah has enjoyed playing in a local homeschool Nerf Wars group and is getting more involved in our homeschool PE class. He is trying to save up for a gaming computer too.

We thank you all for your prayers and support. Just know that each prayer you have ever said for us has helped to equip us to follow God. We could never express our gratitude enough.

Blessings, Anne