Saturday, September 9, 2017

It's the Little Things

So, now here we are, entering another phase of transition. Even though I am really excited about our move to Georgia, there is a part of me that is in denial. I feel like I just went through the goodbyes, the uncertainty, finding doctors and favorite restaurants, and learning the back roads. Am I really ready to do this again? For a girl who spent her entire childhood in one house, and her entire marriage in one house (up to this move), I don't feel ready. I know God is already there preparing the way, but it is still very daunting.

Already the transition is upon us. We now attend our sending church. It feels incredibly strange to not be worshiping with our family across the street. I miss them all terribly. I have no idea what the Christmas Cantata will be, what is needed for the next potluck dinner, who is not well, or what is on the agenda for the business meeting. I wonder if Annika will remember Ms. Donna in the nursery, or if there is a new family sitting in "our" pew. I miss the wonderful people at Oak Grove, yet God is knitting us into a new family.

I am continually amazed at the individual members of our sending church, Emmanuel MBC. From the very moment we began investigating partnering with them to continue the work in Georgia, I could see the love in their faces for that church. I know without a shadow of a doubt, that this is a sending church devoted to prayer. I know that when we make our move, we will not be given a handshake and a "see ya later". I know that our departure will be wrapped in prayer. Emmanuel is invested in Faith of Locust Grove. Not just on a corporate level, but on an individual level too.

You may be wondering how I can be so confident of this at such an early stage. It's because of the little (and BIG) things. It is how Ms. Neva always checks on us to see how we are doing, and excitedly assembles a team of Stuffers to send out our first newsletter. It's how the Blackerbys call to inform us of the shift in Hurricane Irma and how it might affect Ben's departure from Atlanta, encouraging us to find an earlier flight, with the assurance that the church would handle any extra fees. (Thank goodness they did! We had no idea!) It is how the Secretary, Sara, asks for a list of friends and family that we would like included in the mailing list.  It is how the Odens saw our desperate need for a newer van and thus donated one to us! It is in the weekly words of encouragement and interest of so many others. I know it won't be long until they are all like family to us too. And in the meantime, we are so glad that God has placed us where He has. We knew our sending pastors were all for us, but it is such a blessing to know that the entire church is too!

And you know what the cool thing is? Just because I'm not a member of Oak Grove anymore, I haven't been disowned. Just tonight I was included in a Girls Night Out with them. I don't know if they know, but that means the world to me. They will always hold a very special place in my heart. 

But now, I must put on my big girl pants and press forward. There are new names to remember, people to meet, and friendships to be made. Thank you Jesus for this opportunity to enrich my life, and enlarge my family.

Ready or Not- Anne

"Beloved, it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these brothers, strangers as they are, who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth." -3John 1:5-8


  1. Love your blog. Keep blogging. You "nailed" Emmanuel. They are a church full of love and prayers.
    Love you Anne. Trasitions are tough. I had never been out of the state of Arkansas when Rick felt the "call" to enter the chaplaincy as an ABA chaplain. I pray when you reach my age you can reflect and say, I am a woman of faith because of the opportunities I had to serve God outside of my comfort zone. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

  2. Thank you Sheila! Every step I take is definitely all God!
