Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Coming Soon to a Mailbox Near You!

And so we have embarked on my least favorite aspect of mission work...the asking of money. It's not the writing up of the letter, the printing, the folding, the stuffing, the addressing or the stamping (you can see from the photos below that I enlist my children to do a good portion of that). It is simply the act of asking for help. I wish that when God calls you to do work in His Name that the exact amount of money that you need would just miraculously appear on your doorstep...or do I?  

Hmmm, if God did just drop the money at our feet what all would we miss out on? We would miss out on the hours of time spent in prayer with God, growing our relationship. We would miss out on experiencing the unexpected places the money comes from.  We would miss out being able to show our children one more way that God provides. We certainly wouldn't receive the blessing of having the tangible support, the knowing that a particular family is rooting for you and believing in you. We would rob our friends and family of the opportunity to contribute to mission work when they aren't called themselves. And I also believe, that our supporters would miss out on the opportunity to receive their own blessings because of their obedience.

Do I think everyone must give financially to take part in His work? Absolutely not! We all can not possibly give to every cause! I know we must be good stewards of God's money and that requires listening to where He wants us to spend it. I do believe though, that if God is calling you to give; whether it is $5 or $500, that you should give. So I ask each of you to pray, to see what role He is asking you to take. And then obey.

So, 110 envelopes will be put in the mail tomorrow. More than likely, if I have your address you will receive one. When you go to open it, please start in a moment of prayer. Ask God what He wants you to hear in the letter. Maybe He is not calling you to give, but to get involved in other ways. At the top of this Blog we have a page entitled "How You Can Help". Feel free to check that out to see what else you can do. Just know that we are reaching out in love and obedience. We can not express how much each of you means to us! We have already had one generous supporter pay for one airline ticket! (Go God!!!). We believe that was an early sign from God that we are following His Will. We are so excited to have you on this journey with us! Check your mailboxes!!!

Lots of Love,

Annabelle putting on the stamps, Rianne putting on address labels, and Noah stuffing envelopes

"Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don't have." -2 Corinthians 8:12

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